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Title: School Management System For J/NMMV
Authors: Thanenthran, S.
Issue Date: 22-Oct-2013
Abstract: School is an important place to learn how to be teenagers full with a good vision, dedicated, and success as the country leaders in the future. In today‟s fast tech modern age Information Technology is being the backbone for all the developments and sophistications. To cope with this new trend the client J/Nelliady Madya Maha Vidyalayam is also planning to partially computerise their school management activities. Currently, the school management activities is done manually which suffer some weaknesses such as inefficient to manage data, repetition of many processes, lost of data, waste of time and energy on searching data. This School Management System will cater administration staffs with easy searching, editing and adding new records of students and teachers along with guardians and also the other school record keeping activities such as attendances of teachers and students, sports, societies, discipline and health histories of students, students examinations marks, timetable, reports and charts. The System also provides the above functionalities with limited permissions to the teachers and students. And also it will provide secure, self-service web-based access to parents so they are informed about their child's daily progress and disciplinary activities in school. The solution was developed as a web application based on three-tier architecture. This is a distributed system, as the client will use the web browser to access the application which that runs on the Apache web server with web technologies MySQL and PHP. The development methodology would by Rational Unified Process (RUP) used with evolutionary prototyping. The System was extended to provide a general web portal for the school to encourage student‟s involvement with schooling and continuous teacher student learning activities by having a general web portal with, a forum, an event calendar, a photo gallery and a document management system which were mostly open source tools. This general portal developed by rapid application methodology and best practices on development. Finally the System is fully tested with most common browsers and an evaluation is also done using a web survey and the outcomes discussed at the dissertation.
Appears in Collections:Master of Information Technology - 2012

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