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dc.thesis.supervisorWaduge, P.(Mr.)en_US
dc.contributor.authorHimidira, B.A.D.T.en_US
dc.description.abstractAnura Optician is one of the largest optometrists in the city of Panadura. They offer latest in frame and lens technology. Their qualified optometrists conduct thorough eye examinations, using state-of-the-art equipment, to establish one's eye sight and the health of the eye. They are increasing their service standards day by day to be the best eye care service provider in the area. However like most other optometrists in the country, they still use a manual filling system which not only is time consuming but also can be an inconvenience when dealing with customers. Another problem that they face with the manual system is not being able to check the status of the job between the start and the finish. Since the filling is done according to the invoice number only, when a customer turns up without one the process of finding their file can be excruciatingly long. All these problems spell out inefficiency in the system which leads to time wasting as well as an incompetent service to the customer. The objective of the system is to provide solutions to the above problems in order to achieve the final goal of producing more sales and building a better reputation. In order to overcome these issues ISMS was introduced. It helps user to maintain customer records including customer history, invoice details including order status, employee details and product details as well as financial details for the company. It also supports management decision making by generating many useful reports. It was decided to build standalone software to speedup software functions and make more reliable and faster interaction to the user. ISMS was decided to developed using free and open source languages and technologies such as Java language, MySQL database server, Jasper Reports, JFreeChart and other tools like NetBeans and Eclipse. It was also developed according to the Model View Controller architecture and object oriented principals to be easily adapted for future modifications. The ISMS was successfully able to provide solutions to overcome above mentioned problems. System testing procedures were organized such as unit testing, integration testing, white box testing and user acceptance testing to make sure ISMS is more reliable to the user. User evaluation survey was conducted to collect user feedbacks of the system after successful implementation.en_US
Appears in Collections:2013/2014 BIT Undergraduate thesis

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