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dc.thesis.supervisorWaduwawara, A(Mr.)en_US
dc.contributor.authorWickramasekara, A.S.en_US
dc.description.abstractA web solution (pvt) Ltd (hereinafter referred to as client) needs a computer base Dispatching system for introduce to one of his customers. Client required a low cost, High reliable and flexible system with advance automated functions. The proposed system will aid to dispatch an emergency vehicle, to a certain location with a minimum delay and human effort. System will automatically decide the available vehicle and displays the shortest route to the incident. Client requires an advance function to notify an emergency situation to the system and that would be satisfied by using an android app that allows users to notify an emergency scenario to the system. System would implement in a primary server with no redundancy at the first stage. Client would decide to go with a redundancy backup server after 6 months from the implement date. System was be developed by using PHP as the primary Development language and Yii framework as the primary framework. For the UI development HTML, CSS was used as mark up languages and style sheets and jQuery was used as the scripting language. For the android application phone gap was used as the native application development formwork. At the end of this project a web based application that met the client requirements was successfully developed and implemented at the client server.en_US
dc.titleWeb Based Computer Aid Dispatch and GPS Tracking System For AWebsolution (PVT) Ltden_US
Appears in Collections:2013/2014 BIT Undergraduate thesis

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