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dc.thesis.supervisorPiushan, J.M.D.T.(Mr.)en_US
dc.contributor.authorRukmal, M.A.T.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe New Town Medical Center is a One of Popular medical and reputed medical center where it situated in the New Town, Ratnapura. More than 5 years it is being provided its services to the community by a well-qualified doctor. At present, it operates almost all the functions manually and does not keep any details regarding the patients or others process such as report observations, diagnosis etc. There are several problems that the doctor and the patients faced due to unavailability of diagnosis notes, prescriptions, vaccination history details and reports history details. To address that issue as well get the advantages of the possible, potential opportunity I inspire to do a computerized system for the New Town Medical Center to carry on their process smoothly. Basically scope of this system to reduce unnecessary dependency on records and information that patients is having. The proposed system is going to be developed as the collection of several sub modules where it coveres all the functional and non-functional requirement which are doing manually . Basically mamber (patients) can register under the family and it will generate family id and member id. Base on this family id and member id it can record all the details which are observed by the doctor as well as the medicine issued to the patient and later doctor can refer stored data when it required. System is going to be develop using Vsual Basic 6.0 , as the database it is going to be used the Microsoft SQL server 2005 (Express Edition) and as the developing platform it decide to use Windows environment.en_US
dc.titlePatient & Diagnosis History Detail Management System for New Town Medical Center in Ratnapuraen_US
Appears in Collections:2013/2014 BIT Undergraduate thesis

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