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dc.thesis.supervisorPinto, V.(Dr.)en_US
dc.contributor.authorPerera, M.S.D.en_US
dc.description.abstractUdara Type Settings Panadura is a medium scale offset printing press in Panadura town area. They had a old classic manual system to perform their basic business operations and deliver their services to public. It's so time consuming and wasting lots of resources. So a new computer based system was suggested. With the new system almost all business operations were computerized. Including, keeping tracks of the customers, accepting new print jobs , accepting payments and delivering completed offset print jobs to end customers. As an addition an information module was suggested, which would help when making high risk business decisions. C++/C is a high level programming language which is well suited for linux based gnome desktop application development. As the other programming languages only open source ones are used, for a example for the web site ,it's PHP and Apache2 server. Further MySql database server have been used . The system was planed to implement on low cost intel hardware too. But in future the system would be completely ported into the ARM architecture for energy efficiency. So the software system have been developed portability in mind. So platform independent tools and API's such as GTK have been chosen.en_US
dc.titlePrinting Request And Press Resource Management System For Udara Type Setting in Panaduraen_US
Appears in Collections:2013/2014 BIT Undergraduate thesis

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