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Authors: Niroshini, R.
Issue Date: 16-May-2015
Abstract: Jaffna Peninsula is situated in most northern part of Sri Lanka. The Holy Cross Health Care Centre is a private hospital in Jaffna peninsula. This hospital has some branched in different area around the district and they plane to establish new branched in different districts in future. The hospital management faces many difficulties in manual works such as manage day to day records, receive phone calls regarding channeling or booking from patient, patient management, maintain branch wise stock details, delivery details and managerial level details and handle their order inquiries, etc. Hospital Management System is most important for Government and Private Hospitals to manage their works/services such as control the branches, orders for purchase, manage Channeling, manage staff, control the stock and sale medicine through their pharmacy, etc. The web based hospital management system is developed to facilitate their overall administration process and day to day activities of the Holy Cross Health Care Centre. In addition, this system is built to fulfill user friendly interface design to staff and other users, maintain the day to day transaction and other works, re order level of stock items, easy to manage the staffs, doctors, patient s information, manage reports and provide online channeling facilities to patients etc. This system was developed with prototyping methodology and design with object oriented method and also this web based management system was mostly been developed using some modern open sourced tools and software. Hypertext Pre-processor (PHP) which is a powerful server side scripting language has been used for server side scripting along with the Apache web server, MySQL which is a relational database management system and other web development tools like JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), and Bootstrap are used for develop this system. This is a web based system, thus this system can run any operating system platform with Windows or Linux environment. The management likes to save the time and decrease the work load by using this system. This system would help them to achieve their goal. This dissertation was talked about this system and illustrates all the work carried out during the each phase of the project.
Appears in Collections:2013/2014 BIT Undergraduate thesis

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