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Title: Web Based Human Resource Management System for Department of Ayurveda (W.P)
Authors: Liyanaarachchi, S.S.
Issue Date: 16-May-2015
Abstract: Department of Ayurveda provides medicinal services on the basis of indigenous methods of treatment, through a network of hospitals and dispensaries by the establishment of the services essential for the treatment of diseases and also by the preservation and promotion health according to the indigenous methods of treatment. Nearly 500 employee records have to be managed by manual system. The current manual system has several limitations. Such as Employee details and payroll details which are maintain in hard copies and also are decentralized. This Human resource Management System will be developed as a solution for the time consuming, inefficient and error prone current manual system. Main goals of this system are to maintain employee details efficiently to increase the availability of the information and to facilitate decision makers with accurate information. This proposed System is a web based system. It is covers most of the main processes of the Ayurveda Department such as Employee management, Payroll management, Loan management, Attendance management, Training management and report generation accordingly. It was implemented using Netbeans as the IDE, MySQL as the database handler and coding was done by using PHP language with the Apache web server. Unified Modelling Language (UML) was used for analysis and design. This system has developed based on Model View Controller (MVC) architecture. By this proposed system , staff of the Department of Ayurved is able to increase their productivity through maintaining their employee details in an efficient manner, increase the availability of the information and help the management in decision making via providing accurate details. After several inspections, the system was accepted as a useful system by the Department of Ayurveda.
Appears in Collections:2013/2014 BIT Undergraduate thesis

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