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dc.thesis.supervisorHewage, N.(Mr.)en_US
dc.contributor.authorKumara, U.N.H.en_US
dc.description.abstractDevelopments in information technologies have been impacting upon educational organizations. School Information Management System for Central College Kuliyapitiya (CCKSIMS) is the approach taken by the principal of Central College Kuliyapitiya (CCK) to overcome the difficulties in current manual administrative process such as preparing timetables, keep and analyzes historical data and report generation etc. The CCKSIMS is to computerize the School Information. The Front end developed using Java and the Back End uses MySQL Server. CCKSIMS was developed as six subsystems namely; Student Management, Teacher Management, Examination Management, Timetable Management, Report Management and Security Management. These subsystems provide support in managing the organization efficiently. The time consumption in managerial processes will absolutely decrease. Furthermore, human resources of the school can be managed effectively. One of the most and important feature of the proposed system is that it is very much user friendly and accurate. Hence the system users feel much comfortable to interact with it. The modules are being regularly updated therefore the data extracted will be up to date & more accurate. The proposed System will improve the efficiency of administrative services. Also the CCKSIMS can help to access, manage & report the information quickly and easily. This Dissertation Report covers introduction, analysis, design, implementation, evaluation and conclusion of the project with related appendices. Each chapter will consist of required details in order to understand the project.en_US
dc.titleSchool Information Management System for Central College Kuliyapitiyaen_US
Appears in Collections:2013/2014 BIT Undergraduate thesis

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