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dc.thesis.supervisorSapumanna, S. (Mr.)en_US
dc.contributor.authorPushpakumara, M.A.P.en_US
dc.description.abstractHutchison Telecommunication Lanka (pvt) Ltd is a reputed company in Sri Lanka, which delivers GSM and HSPA services Island wide. As a result of their excellent and outstanding customer service currently they have over one million customer base. At the movement they are controlling over 1300 (2G) GSM sites and over 1000 of (3G) sites. They have lots of difficulties with their legacy Hutch 2G network performance monitoring system since it requires more manual works. Engineers have to analyze KPI manually by exporting data from various network elements. Difficulties of manage KPI, resolve customer complaints, CBC management, improper reports/ graphs, improper network element monitoring process are the main drawbacks of the legacy system. More manual work comes with more engineer/labor hours and it directs to cost. This effort was to introduce a web based solution as a helping hand to eliminate those difficulties and reduce engineer/labor costs. The proposed system, which was developed, includes all necessary functionalities to support smooth and effective KPI analysis process. It also assists customer complaint management process, site failure monitoring process, proper management reports and real time CBC updates. This system is based on client-server architecture and developed according to object oriented principals by using Rational Unified Process (RUP) and Unified Modeling Language (UML) as development methodology and designing language respectively. Java 1.5, JSP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and XML languages were used when developing, along with Struts and Hibernate frameworks. MySQL was chosen to provide the database. Finally, the system which has been developed helps to overcome problems existed earlier and provides an excellent solution for the company to achieve their goals.en_US
Appears in Collections:2012/2013 BIT Undergraduate thesis

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