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dc.thesis.supervisorFernando, W.A.S. (Mr.)en_US
dc.thesis.supervisorJayatissa, K.D. (Mr.)en_US
dc.contributor.authorRathnasekara, K.I.T.en_US
dc.description.abstractHuman Resource is the most important resource of an organization/department. Human Resource Management (HRM) is one of the business function as well as one of the management function. Successes of the other functions depend on success of the HRM function. Today some organizations/departments/Ministries are carrying out their human resource functions manually which causes a high cost of operation. The proposed system is a Human Resource Management System for Sri Lanka Railways (SLR) which is one of the leading department in Sri Lanka operated since 1864. Currently the railway department is having a manual system for handling human resource activities. The existing manual system is inherent with many shortcomings and constraints thereby a lot of money and time waste. HRM provides a method for maintaining up to date information about employees, thereby increasing the accuracy of the relevant information. Training requirements, leave applications, etc can be maintained online within the system, thereby providing a better overall picture of the railway department human resources status. Provide benefit to the staff (such as timely access to information) that would be help to motivate them, thereby increasing the quality of their work. The software process model of the project is Rational Unified Process (RUP), which is comprehensive and iterative approach to software development. Object Oriented System Analysis and Design Methodology (OOSADM) are used to model the system. Unified Modelling Language (UML) diagrams are used to draw the blueprints of the system. The system is implemented by using Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2010 IDE and implemented language is VB.NET .The backend of the system is Microsoft SQL Server 2008. With the implemented Human Resource Management System, the department is now in a position to obtain high-level, quick and efficient human resource functionalities. HRM also helps to reduce high paper cost. This enables the increasing of the effectiveness and efficiency of the department as a whole.en_US
dc.titleHuman Resource Management System For Sri Lanka Railwaysen_US
Appears in Collections:2012/2013 BIT Undergraduate thesis

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