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dc.thesis.supervisorHerath, H.M.D. (Mr.)en_US
dc.contributor.authorWijesundera, A.S.K.en_US
dc.description.abstractSri Lanka Telecom is one of the blue chip companies in Srilanka listed in the Colombo stock market provides wide range of intergraded services to the customers. The Sri Lanka Telecom Ltd (SLT) is a customer centric organization focuses mainly on providing better services to the customers. As SLT concerned about their corporate customers and their communication needs, the command center was setup to provide communication solutions for corporate customers. SLT is a large company has its main processes automated but the command center had a specific problem and needed a solution. The system used by the client was a web based system for the service and faults work order management system .In this system the data was passing through from one section to the other via the excel sheets. All functions (Provision of services, clearing faults, obtaining reports) done in the previous system were done manually. The main requirement of the new service provision monitoring and faults management system (SPMFMS) was to handle the new service and fault work orders efficiently and effectively .With the old manual system the command center officer had to call many places to get the service done. The new system could be accessed by the staff related and their job will be much easier. Also the new spare management system would help the command center staff to find the spares for the faults easily. The SPMFMS would be more helpful to the command center staff as they will be able to handle their human resource issues through the human resource module. They would have more time to update their knowledge through the E-learning module of the SPMFMS website. Also with the new search module the staff could quickly see the details of service, the faults work orders and the availability of the equipment. The new system had to be developed according to the in house software development manual of system development section-Sri Lanka Telecom. Certain standards were maintained during the development of the project. The object oriented technique was used and UML (Unified Modeling Language) was used for analysis and design of the new system. The project was implemented using Hypertext Pre-Processor (PHP) and Apache used as the web Server. MYSQL was selected as the database as above were the most suitable for the development. Java Script was used for the Client Side verification and Dream viewer, CSS HTML also used. The Service Provisioning Monitoring and Faults management System was developed to fulfill the requirement of the command center staff and the SLT management and it was successfully developed and deployed.en_US
Appears in Collections:2012/2013 BIT Undergraduate thesis

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