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dc.thesis.supervisorJayawardena, V.P. (Mr.)en_US
dc.thesis.supervisorUdayanga, B. (Mr.)en_US
dc.contributor.authorJayarathne, J.H.A.U.Sen_US
dc.description.abstractLankem Ceylon PLC is a well established company for chemical, paints and consumer product industries in Sri Lanka. It is one of the major companies of Lankem group & its operations are mainly handling with the SAP ERP system which is recently implemented in the head office and five factories and some regional stores with more than 500 employees. For the Company s information technology based requirements they have to use large number of IT assets such as software, servers, computers, printers and network related devices etc. Lankem do not own proper solution for IT asset and IT service managements such as warranty information, service agreements details, insurance policy related details and user supportive services. So they need to have proper mechanism to keep updated information electronically to manage them effectively and efficiently with above activities. The proposed system is a combination of asset management system with a help desk system. It is a web based system and accessible through the web browser by the staff connected with head office. Report generating, effective communication methods with staff and management are some of the noticeable features in the system. In this operation, administrative users will be able to keep the system updated with accurate data and information, users are facilitated to request services related to assigned IT assets and the management users can view necessary reports on time for better supportive & decision making process. Therefore Hypertext Pre-processor (PHP) is used as the server-side scripting language with MySQL database on Apache web server. Popular GUI designers and MVC architecture based PHP frameworks are used to reduce the complexity to improve the quality & readiness for future requirements as well as the later modifiability and upgradability. The system could be operated in Windows, Mac OS, Mobile or Linux environments. Because of the open source approach the company does not require to purchase any license for the database or operating system.en_US
Appears in Collections:2012/2013 BIT Undergraduate thesis

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