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dc.thesis.supervisorPahalawatta, D. (Mr.)en_US
dc.thesis.supervisorHaripriya, N.W.A.P. (Mr.)en_US
dc.contributor.authorGunarathne, M.G.W.K.en_US
dc.description.abstractSwarnawahini is one of a leading television channel which is owned by EAP Networks (PVT) Ltd, having the experience in the field of broadcast for sixteen years. It covers an extensive audience in island wide coverage by using their high technological outstations (Repeater Stations) located in different places. Until recently, Swarnavahini television transmission division was managed their outstations with manual system. As a result, they are facing lots of issues when summarizing data and writing reports, due to the less accessibility with remote sites. Alteration of relevant data and too much of paper works during the above main process have been effected directly on decision making also. The proposed Online Outstations Management System is introduced to overcome some of the issues in the current manual system. The new computerized system have ability to manage all the processes in outstations events like employee management, Transmission Tower detail management, Leave and Attendance handling, Daily readings managing , Service data maintaining, Report Generation and inventory handling. By considering critical success factors of the project such as project scope, resources and time as well as by studying the advantages and by comparing the nature of the system, the Rational Unified Process (RUP) was selected as the software development Process Methodology. The proposed Online Outstations Management System is an online web based system; implemented using web related programming languages. PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) which is a server side scripting language has been used to implement the system. Furthermore JavaScript and some Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) techniques have been used for dynamic the system as well as for Validation. MySQL has been selected as the Database Tool and Apache web server has been selected as the web server. At the end of this project the system has been developed to full fill all the client requirements and the Online Outstations Management System is supported to enhance the above tasks efficiently and accurately for higher management.en_US
dc.titleOnline Outstations Management System for Swarnavahini EAP Networks (Pvt) Ltden_US
Appears in Collections:2012/2013 BIT Undergraduate thesis

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