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dc.thesis.supervisorSembacuttiaratchy, N. (Mr.)en_US
dc.contributor.authorDassanayake, A.W.S.en_US
dc.description.abstractSenarath Rent A Car Services (SRCS) is a subsidiary of Senarath Engineering & Agro Businesses Pvt. Ltd. (SEAB) with its head office based in the city of Kurunagala. SRCS has many branches around the country in cities of Negombo, Colombo, Galle and Kandy. They cater mainly to tourists holidaying in hotels in the above cities. Initially all the branches operated as individual businesses and the management of all transaction were carried out manually. This was highly time consuming, inefficient and error prone. This project aimed to automate the core business functionality of SRCS and connect all the branches together enabling customers to check out a vehicle from one branch and check in at another. The final system integrates all the branches and enables them to function as a single entity. It captures all the business functionalities of SRCS, including rental reservations, assigning of drivers, vehicle checkout/checkin, rental charge calculation, gatepass/invoice generation, management report generation and management of insurance/rentals/repair payments. The system also provides a content management system that enables the management to carry out administration tasks such as security and management of menus and interfaces. The system consists of two main components, namely the main website of SRCS and the SRCS management (SRCSM) system, which is the intranet of SRCS. The system is based on the client server architecture and designed using the three tier architecture. Object Orientation together with Unified Modeling Language was used in the designing of the system. PHP was used as the language for development and MySQL was the database management engine utilized in this project. The system was developed on a Microsoft Windows XP platform and is currently hosted on a commercial web server running on a Debian platform. This project dissertation demonstrates the work carried out right through out the system development life cycle with each chapter illustrating the work carried out in each phase until the final implementation of the SRCSM System. The completed system was successfully implemented providing the management and staff of SRCS with a highly user friendly and efficient system to carry out their business activities.en_US
Appears in Collections:2009/2010 BIT Undergraduate thesis

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