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dc.thesis.supervisorDias, H.S.C. (Ms.)en_US
dc.contributor.authorPerera, P.T.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn times of economic slow-down, cutting costs is the major strategy used by the companies. There is a need to track how much to order and when to order. The parameters that are required to answer these questions are economic order quantity (EOQ) and the re-order point. This project will be implemented with combination of mobile (PDA) technology and tracks the performance of each product using a web application. This will help the decision makers to initiate accurate re-order and make forecast and demand of the product at any point of time. McCallum Nurseries is a well recognize company which has been exporting cut foliage, plants to all over the world. They have several branches geographically located in different locations. At present most of the work have been done manually and McCallum Nurseries unable to manage their increase of sales due to this reason. Therefore with this project I endeavor to improve and maintain the standards, quality and efficiency of the stock control and purchasing process. To serve all the branches the system was designed according to centralized architecture and latest web based technologies, hence users are able to communicate with the system from anywhere in the world. Managers are able to get relevant and accurate reports instantly using this system. Moreover this is a perfect cost-effective replacement for the current paper based less efficient system and the system will send notifications to each user via e-mails and to-do list will be shown to each user when they logged into the system according to their role. Above mentioned web based stock control system was developed using Microsoft ASP.NET and MSSQL SERVER 2005 as Database Management System. Data flow Diagrams (DFD) were used in analysis and design stages of the project. The system was designed according to the three-tier architecture and object oriented techniques. I strongly believe the work which I have done will engage a better working environment in McCallum Nurseries. Hence the stock controlling process will runs smoothly and increase the productivity.en_US
Appears in Collections:2010/2011 BIT Undergraduate thesis

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