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Title: Staff Management System for CINEC Maritime Campus
Authors: Wickramasinghe, W.K.N.
Issue Date: 2-Dec-2013
Abstract: As the population grows, we face a quite difficult problem with handling the huge amount of information. To overcome such matters, People always have been looking for better ways to deal with large amounts of data. Today in almost every corporation, there s a computerized system to take care of their sensitive data as secure and efficiently. Because unlike any kind of a manual procedure, a Computer system always promises higher speeds, larger capacity, and easy data manipulations methods, all together with reliability. This System will be designed as a computerized Staff Management solution which will not only minimize errors but also make a user-friendly, intelligent and interactive data flow between users. As a start to a brief explanation of current problems in the manual procedure, Calculation and manipulation of salaries and bonuses of the staff is done by Accounts department manually. These are complex functions and it can easily get conflict. The current system doesn t provide an efficient way to analyze attendance and leave details. Or a method to track no-pay details directly. Being a primitive process the current system also fails to gather important information about employees such as their achievements, skills, complains, or their thoughts on certain events. Staff Management System provides a formed or a united solution to above all problems. First and most important of all, it will be a browser-based system so that it will be accessible to different kinds of users, with given credentials form anywhere within the campus intranet. Calculating and maintaining employee salary details including allowances and deductions, and calculating employee s ETF/EPF monthly salary and bonus, will be critical functions of the system. The system able to send automated Email / SMS to notify employees. Employees will be able to apply for salary advances, make comments and feedback on relevant events or surveys organized by the company. System was developed using latest J2EE frameworks such as Hibernate, Spring and Struts. In addition to above frameworks tools like ant script are used. My Eclipse 6.0 was used as the workbench. DreamViwer and Photoshop were specially used for user interfaces. Mysql and Apache Tomcat were used as database server and application server since they are open source software. Testing of the system is done according to a comprehensive test plan.
Appears in Collections:2010/2011 BIT Undergraduate thesis

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