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Title: Employee Management System for Directorate of Civil Administration Sri Lanka Army
Authors: Sundarapperuma, S.M.S.P.
Issue Date: 2-Dec-2013
Abstract: This document provides detailed description of the Employee Management System (EMS) for Directorate of Civil Administration (DOCA), Sri Lanka Army. Over eleven thousand employees? administrative functions are done by this directorate. DOCA still uses manual system for their administrative functions. Existing personal file system has many defects, sometimes it may face some shortcomings, it is time consuming, due to the inaccuracies of the manual system. The EMS which is supportive for all the administrative purposes, also give efficient and accurate service to the DOCA. After analyzing moreover the existing system, it has problems and weaknesses in functioning as a manual system. We developed solutions for the problems encountered. The newly developed EMS facilitated to register new employees, issuing appointment letters, updating the Army civil cadre, granting loans, to get details of leaves, pension details, issuing Army Ids, searching / reporting data of personnel etc. The new EMS is designed using object oriented method after analyzing and specifying all major requirements of the existing system. Entity relationship diagram is used to design the database properly and server machine has main database. MySQL was adopted to create database for the system and Java is used as programming language. i-Report was used to create reports. In the coding stage, it was tried to achieve readability and reusability of the source code. Testing process was carried out mainly in three categories as component testing, integration testing and then user acceptance testing. Ultimately the system was properly tested and evaluated to confirm its effective workability and met the initial requirements. All the functions were worked properly and all the basic and major requirements were satisfied within the system. The final system was tested in the client?s premises and it performed well by providing intended functions. This system therefore will provide anticipated benefits to the DOCA. And the goals of the project were achieved by the newly completed system.
Appears in Collections:2010/2011 BIT Undergraduate thesis

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